REBOOT Combat Recovery is a 12-week, faith-based,
peer-led course that helps veterans, active-duty military
and their families heal from service-related trauma.
At REBOOT courses across the country, military families are reconciling, divorce rates are dropping, medication abuse is decreasing, and suicide numbers are falling. Now it’s your turn. It may seem impossible, but in only 12 weeks, you
can push back against the darkness and begin walking down a proven path of healing. It’s time for a breakthrough in your war
against trauma.

REBOOT courses
meet once a week
for 12 weeks.

REBOOT courses are led
by people who have
been there and get it.

REBOOT is for the
whole family, not just
the service member.

REBOOT is a course, not a
support group. No rank,
no titles, total privacy.